Flora Leite for Ana Dias Batista, 2020

Flora accepts Ana's invitation to project a film on running water at her bathroom sink, referencing “Deathly” (2019), a work by Flora in which images of mermaids were projected onto a glass of water. The film projected on the sink is Ana's “The Octopus Routine” (2018), featuring a synchronized swimming performance held at a mansion's heated pool.

Video (3min47sec), digital image and text

Camera and editing: Isadora Brant

Projection mapping: Matheus Leston

Part of "Ao Ar, Livre", curated by Tiago de Abreu Pinto.

The Octopus Routine, 2018

Ana Dias Batista

Synchronized swimming: Grupo Corpo D’Água

Coaching and Choreography: Andrea Curi

Video: Opoente

Pandora’s Box Project, Kura Arte

Deathly, 2019

Flora Leite

Video installation

Glass, water, projection, vinyl
