Cadu draws handles, 2021

A drawing by Cadu proposed by Ana based on a drawing by Cadu

Years ago, Cadu Riccioppo gave me an observational drawing of a metallic cross-shaped register handle with spherical tips, which he had made some years before and which I liked because the volute lines didn't capture the object through its contours - the hard limits with which it isolated itself from the environment and became nameable, but rather by the reflections and stains with which it multiplied the environment and became assimilated. In 2021, during the quarantine, I bought a metallic cross register handle with spherical tips and proposed that Cadu install it at his home and superimpose, on the object itself, the gestures he had previously used to represent it. He installed it on the shower register and engraved the volutes with a drypoint, day by day, while showering.